Our daily life is full of history.
- I get up in the morning and go to work 8 hours, why not 16?
- On 29 there was a strike why we have the right to strike?
- If you do not like the ruling party, vote to another. How long I can vote?, What about my wife?
- I open my mailbox, pick up the cards and making Endesa facturón come to me How long I have switches and not watch?
- I'm with my kids to the zoo Why are certain animals that we have become extinct in their natural environment?
- I read the newspaper, speaking of the crisis and referred to "29" What is that the crisis of 29? "This was not the first?
Finally, history walks our lives constantly, and the only way to contextualize our existence in the tremendous welter around us is to know. Hence the importance of studying and knowing the history.
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