Wednesday, June 23, 2010

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Task group 2. Clara Delgado

was a philosopher Friedrich Engels, German revolutionary and political leader of the First International and Second International. Was born a bourgeois family, wealthy, conservative and religious owned textile factories. Was associated with the Left Hegelians and the Young Germany movement. In 1844 he finally acceded to socialism and developed a lasting friendship with Karl Marx.
I've chosen because it was an important socialist leader who met British trade unionists, anarchists, French and Italian socialist Republicans intend to respond internationally to the needs of the workers.

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Task Group 1. Clara Delgado

I have chosen because Louis XIV was a very important king in the eighteenth century France, and the defenders of absolutism thought God gave him all the powers: to command, that of making laws and administer justice. His relationship with the Unit 1 is spoken of the old regime of absolute monarchies, it was a form of government that prevailed in Europe and that was part of this king.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Words From Alice In Wonderland

Task Group 2. Angela Rosa Espinola

I chose this character because I think today it's hard to imagine a character like this: First
about how conflict has evolved from the time he lived and second because if it was a man with very clear ideas in their lives, whether we agree or not with them.

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Corrales Task Group 1. Lydia Barriga Pelaz

I chose the guillotine, that although our time is stationary, long ago, the cold sharp blade and a quick and clean cut leaves a simple blade broken in two, cut a body leaving the head of the trunk separately. It is known by the fame he gained from 1782 during the French Revolution with its tens of thousands of executions. One example of their performances was King Louis XVI in January 1793, Maximilien Robespierre on July 28, 1794 with 21 of his followers. Lidia
Pelaz Barriga